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World Class Engineering
Bryston digital audio components give you the chance to hear a bit-perfect replica of what the musicians intended. Our approach starts with clean power. All Bryston digital equipment gets independent power supplies for digital and analog sections. We convert digital data to the analog domain with absolute accuracy using custom implementations of the finest converters available. Then we pass them to Bryston discrete operational amplifiers to drive downstream components. Though none of them are cheap, you'll find that every Bryston digital component sets a new reference for what to expect at any price.
Bit Perfect
Bryston digital players play music from nearly any source in nearly any format. They expertly convert your files (or those from streaming services) to a bitstream that the DAC can understand. Whether you choose DSD, PCM, or streaming, count on the BDP to be your source component of choice.
Analog Too
Don't forget that a major component of DACs and CD players is the quality of their analog sections. Bryston BDA and BCD components feature proprietary discrete analog outputs that are ultra low distortion and super quiet. Our analog circuitry is best in class and can resolve all the fine detail your digital recordings have to offer.
Made Easy
Control Bryston digital components your way. Each component features a customized web-based user interface making it possible to control your equipment from any device with a web browser. Simply plug the device into your home network (or use WiFi with BDP). Even the BCD-3 can be controlled over the network!

Made In Canada

20 Year Warranty on Analog and Loudspeakers