Starting out as a personal project of Bryston Vice President James Tanner in partnership with Andrew Welker and Ian Colquhoun of Axiom Audio, Bryston loudspeakers were originally intended for James' personal use as reference loudspeakers for evaluating Bryston electronics. After almost two years of various iterations they hit upon a satisfactory design, and the Bryston line of loudspeakers was born.

Recently, the Next Best Thing Studio took part in a factory tour of Axiom Audio with owner Ian Colquhoun. Ian talked about Axiom Audio's design philosophy and how they build and test their loudspeakers. Although Ian specifically discussed Axiom Loudspeakers, everything discussed also applies to Bryston Loudspeakers. Check out the first video for a tour of the factory itself, including the anechoic chambers used to test Bryston Loudspeakers. Keep an eye out for some Bryston Loudspeakers popping up near the end of the video.

The next video features an interview of owner Ian Colquhoun, who discusses how he started out designing loudspeakers, the lab they use at the factory, and his thoughts on active loudspeakers. It's a really interesting to hear Ian's thoughts and I highly recommend you check it out.

Since the genesis of the Model T Active Loudspeaker we have introduced a comprehensive lineup of Bryston loudspeaker solutions as we continue to face increased demand from our customers. Check out our lineup, I think you might like our loudspeakers as much as we do.