Press Room
Media Inquiries/Relations:
Micah Sheveloff – WIRC Media
Phone: 203-668-4303
Email: Contact
Quick Facts about Bryston:
Bryston was originally a manufacturer of high tech blood analyzers that began business in 1962. In 1976 James Tanner purchased a pair of Dayton Wright electrostatic speakers which his current amplifiers were having a heck of a time driving. So, using high-tech and sophisticated parts, we modified the amplifier and boy it sounded terrific! We then decided to build an amplifier with no holds barred, from scratch, using medical grade parts. Bryston was born!
We have looked into shifting manufacturing to other countries (countries which offer cheaper manufacturing) and for reasons both business and ethical, we decided against it. Given our hands-on approach and commitment to old world craftsmanship, we choose to maintain all production and design in-house.
We used to offer a 3-year warranty, but we realized that our products were still performing well within specifications, even after 18 years. So, in 1990 we decided to extend the analog warranty to 20 years (as an aside, from 1976 to 1990 we never charged for a repair even though the equipment was well outside the then stated 3 year warranty). The 20-year warranty was retroactive to all our previous customers as well.
With digital products we are currently limiting the warranty to 5 years because we do not have a long history with the technology. This will probably be extended, if all goes as planned.
To continue to do what we do best: provide our customers with as transparent an audio signal path as possible, given current technology.
Online Media Resources:

Made In Canada

20 Year Warranty on Analog and Loudspeakers