BP-2 MM Moving Magnet Phono Gain Stage
Phono gain stages are rather un-glamorous. But that's the point. This one trick pony simply accepts analog audio from your turntable's cartridge and amplifies it to a level that your main preamplifier can understand. What makes the BP-2 MM so special is that it can take such a minuscule signal--2mV or so and amplify it with so little distortion and so little added noise. If it weren't for the characteristic smoothness and organic sound of vinyl, you might swear you were listening to digital.
- Applies 41dB of gain from your moving magnet phono cartridge or high output MC cartridge
- Class A discrete operational amplifiers
- Ultra precise RIAA equalization
- Powered from external Bryston PSU
- Very quiet operation and very low distortion
- Compact chassis can be placed nearby turntable or preamplifier
- Front panel Mute switch
- Internally configurable for capacitive loading
- Silver or black faceplate